LAN PARTY: Saturday May 11th 2002 (Noon - Midnight)
Price: $10.00
We have upgraded! New custom tables inspired by the TLG in Tacoma have been built.
These new tables allow us to change an ordinary two car garage into a first class gaming center in just a few minutes.
This month we have placed a preferred food questionnaire on the sign-up form.
If there are enough requests for the same snack food item(s) then we will ensure to get it. If none of the items on this months sign-up form are to your pleasing, make sure you nominate your favorite items at the next event. The nominations will then go on the next months sign-up form. This ensures that we don't always have the same old boring snacks. Get creative! Oh, we are also trying to hook-up a case of BAWLS Guarana. If you haven't heard of BAWLS yet, hop on over to their site
StarvinMarvin is going to bring a extra system to be our designated "File Whore" (as he calls it). It will be a server that we can place MP3's, Movies, images, etc... onto for others to share. This way you don't get lag while somebody is grabbing that huge file off your shared folder. He is looking for a Hard Drive to place into it. So, if you happen to have an old Hard Drive lying around collecting dust please bring it in. The more space on the drive the more files to share.
Have a Wife and child? If you do and would like to find something for them to do while you frag all day? Then click Here120gig HDD has been offered to aid the "File HO". Big thanks to TranceBear!
Oh, the new Half-life update is available to [Here]
The CS update from MOD 1.3 to 1.4 is [Here]
The CS update from Retail 1.3 to 1.4 is *[Here]
*link to the Retail ver. also has links to all versions as well.
Gamers Attending Event: -We only have 30 seats-
List updated: 7:38 5/11/02
(x) = Made it to Event*Hold mouse over names to find their city